How to get assignments done

Has it ever happened that you started something with gusto, but 5 days later, you had given up?

The thing that breaks us often is the pressure we apply to ourselves. Take this example --

Impossible Task: So, what you going to do?
Old Me:  I will get this done even if I have to die today (feeling pressured already)
New Me: I will take 100 small actions towards this goal. I will encourage and congratulate myself at every step. (In my knowledgeable tone - It's called Kaizen ... Toyota does it)

Breaking down large work items into smaller and smaller pieces takes the pressure off. Work is a struggle only until you find your rhythm. Once you get going, there is no stopping you.

This is a strategy I have used with a lot of success for accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks.

Example:  You have to send your resume to someone. 

1. Create the 10*10 matrix. 

Just like the one shown here. 100 boxes, each representing one action you are going to take.

Give yourself a checkmark just for creating the matrix. You have started your work ... and is huge ... give yourself credit. It builds energy and enables you to take on more work.

2. Take Small but complete steps 

Then take the next smallest possible complete action.

Depending on your energy level, a small step can be 30 seconds or 3 minutes. But it needs to be small and complete.

For example: So you could just open Microsoft Word to update your resume.
  -- It is enough.
  -- It is a complete action.
  -- It is in the direction of your goal.

Now, give yourself a checkmark.

3. Reward yourself at every step 

Now reward yourself in some way. It could be with an encouraging word - "Well Done Saurabh!". It could be a pat on your own back. It could be a sip from a cold drink (not recommended if your goal is to improve your health), or it could be buying yourself a new shirt :).

The reward should be proportional to your step.
So, if the steps are small, let the reward be small.

No need to book a trip to Vegas if you have just opened your resume. Something simpler ... like a drink, a small bite of a snack ... over time, these rewards naturally become healthier - reading a passage from a book, watching 1 minute of a video you love. Even a pat on the back can help. More idea here.

This is of course when you are finding it hard to get into the flow. If you are in the flow, you don't need this tool.

4. Look for the Tipping Point 

A point will come when you will have taken enough action. At this time, you have found your flow ... or at least your confidence. Then there is no looking back.

5. Keep at it till you accomplish your goal 
 By the time you hit the 80s, you will find it much much easier. Reaching 100 will be a thrill provided you have been encouraging yourself along the way.

Once you complete your first 100 steps, start the next 100 steps.

Do not do too many tasks together. Better to complete one work item and then go to the next (if possible)


Some more Resources:
1. Be sure to see my 40-day Program .
2. This is a really entertaining Ted talk about the subject:

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About Saurabh J. Madan

What is my life's purpose? Why am I here. This work is my answer to me. It is work that connects me to joy. It reminds me of the privilege of living with purpose. It energises me, challenges me, exhausts me, motivates me, demands my very life from me so it can give me back even more. This work is my dream. I am here to help other dreamers realize their dreams here on earth.
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