Golden Light - Our Story

This is the story of the Golden Light. The light inside. It began in 2011 when my spiritual mentor Dr. Newton visited me and another student of his Dipika in Seattle WA. He and his partner Dr. Lakshmi had come for a workshop and spent time with me and my friend Dipika.

At the end of his visit, when we were driving him to the Airport, I asked him, "Sir, how should we continue the work here.". To which he replied "Golden Light Center for Healing and Enlightenment". And so our center was born, in my beautiful black Prius, right at the entrance of SeaTac airport's departure lane, driving at 20 miles an hour (and yes it was within the speed limit).

We conducted classes on inner child work, on past life regression and on EFT and healing in general. We organized workshops for other speakers and participated in workshops and meditation sessions all over the Seattle area. It was a time of intense spiritual exploration for us. We learned a grew inwards, exploring the marvels of the spiritual world, like adventurers, enjoying the best part of the journey. We planned our own workshops, our own lessons, and healing sessions. We worked in bringing this knowledge to our friends and shared with people beyond. Slowly, we came to our own understanding of life and living. Learning from small mistakes and big ones. Learning to go within with each new boundary. Until we met more teachers who taught us to go within. What a beautiful journey it was.

In all this time, I watched many videos, read countless books, and finally overcame my resistance to meditating. When after three years, I finally started meditating, I met another mentor Vatsala, who showed me with firmness and clarity the need to look inside. There is no replacement to looking inside. In this journey now, these videos, articles, and books became my friends. It is with some of the best of these that I will bring out the story of my learning. And hope you enjoy it, and perhaps share a few steps in yours.
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About Saurabh J. Madan

What is my life's purpose? Why am I here. This work is my answer to me. It is work that connects me to joy. It reminds me of the privilege of living with purpose. It energises me, challenges me, exhausts me, motivates me, demands my very life from me so it can give me back even more. This work is my dream. I am here to help other dreamers realize their dreams here on earth.
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