Side Benefits of Focus

Focus allows us to concentrate our energy. Often when we become focused in one area of our lives, we see results in other areas. This is because enough energy has become available to complete a variety of tasks.

I have come across many examples among participants of my prosperity consciousness course. Amila(name changed) was focusing on getting a paid job in the UK and her husband got a pay hike. Priyanka was focusing on career growth and found that she had lost 7 kgs of weight.

Here is an example of someone who got both the best speaker and most improved speaker votes in a speaking club contest -- just a benefit of starting to do well in one area of our lives.

The categories had to be redefined by the measure of success. 
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About Saurabh J. Madan

What is my life's purpose? Why am I here. This work is my answer to me. It is work that connects me to joy. It reminds me of the privilege of living with purpose. It energises me, challenges me, exhausts me, motivates me, demands my very life from me so it can give me back even more. This work is my dream. I am here to help other dreamers realize their dreams here on earth.
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