Case Study: An inspiring effort: meditation 3 hrs/day for 200 days

Puja had been part of my first 40-day prosperity consciousness program in 2016. As she got good results, she stayed in touch off an on. In Aug 2017, she took up a challenge for which she asked for my assistance.

She had met a spiritual saint Brahmarshi Subhash Patri and had gotten instructions from him to meditate for 3 hours a day, for the 200 days (almost 7 months) continuously. In a funny incident related to her journey, she had asked him how she would be able to do it. And his prophetic reply was "Jo Dar Gaya, Vo Mar Gaya!" In the beginning, all journeys appear to be daunting and it is at such points that a coach like me can be of assistance.

With the goal clear (3hrs/day for 200 days continuously), the first milestone we set was for 4 days. For these 4 days, there was no time requirement. It was okay to do even 10 minutes, but continuity was key. This addresses the question - "How will I manage?" and takes a lot of pressure off. If the pressure is too much, then it is hard to begin. Puja, however, hit the 3-hour mark on her first day itself.

After celebrating this milestone, we set sights on our next milestone: 40-days. In this time, I was in touch with her regularly, but she had found her footing. Once a 40-day cycle is complete, it is evidence that a habit may be formed. It is also enough time to tackle logistic and time management issues such as - when to meditate, how to balance meditation with other responsibilities and how to deal with the changes that come about when we meditate.

Our next milestone was 100-days, at the end of which I introduced her to my own meditation mentor who I respect very highly. At the end of 100-days, Puja connected with my mentor and continued her journey. Here on, she was almost completely independent. There were ups and downs as there are in any major undertaking, but she was set and we both knew she is going to succeed. From time to time, we shared notes about her progress and I shared my understanding of emotional changes and collapsing of old beliefs that often accompany a meditator's journey. I shared my understanding of balancing our energies and calibrating our efforts and we did a few healing sessions when they were necessary.

This is one of the most rewarding aspects of my work. That I get to share in the journey of people who undertake inspiring journeys and put more life into life. I feel very proud and enriched by the experience. Congratulations Puja and with you many more accomplishments and inner growth.

You can read Puja's own account of her journey here. What I liked most about her account is the realization that the journey has just begun. It puts into perspective just how much heart, focus, and commitment we need to put into the creations we value.

If you are interested in having me as a coach on your team as you pursue a worthy project, please contact me
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About Saurabh J. Madan

What is my life's purpose? Why am I here. This work is my answer to me. It is work that connects me to joy. It reminds me of the privilege of living with purpose. It energises me, challenges me, exhausts me, motivates me, demands my very life from me so it can give me back even more. This work is my dream. I am here to help other dreamers realize their dreams here on earth.
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