Case Study: Goal Setting: From Values to Goals

This is the case study of a very talented entrepreneur. Energetic, able worker, go-getter, and willing to put in the effort. His challenge was similar to Hanuman before leaping to Lanka, he had forgotten his powers. This course served as a reminder.

Version 1: Values and Exploration 
His view of his life. (Have blurred out areas that were private)

Version 2: The Goal 
Choice to focus on career - (details blurred out to maintain the privacy for the plan). Strength: Clear thinking.

Version 3: The commitment 
Focused on one goal - setting up a business in which he had experience. He got a contract the very next day. And within 2 weeks he had done most of the groundwork for setting up his enterprise.

Note: The credit for this goes to his own entrepreneurial aptitude and work. Our role with him was
to remind him of it.

"Today marks the completion of this wonderful Prosperity Consciousness Program, one of the most rewarding and meaningful 47 days of my life! Today I am celebrating the realisation of power to think about my goals, my choices, my strengths, my abilities, my vision and channelising my energies into fruitful goals. The mentors did dent some of my so called ‘correct thought process’ and guided me towards a redefined one!

I enrolled in this course 10 days after I got a significant incident in my life. At the start, my goals were not clear; leave aside how to achieve them. I was searching for the purpose of my life gifted by the almighty. As the days passed, each day exercise threw some surprise, some astonishing facts or rather things that I couldn’t think of! There were a lot of self-discoveries, lots of established notions/thoughts were shredded and a lot more were learned!

This program and the mentors instilled confidence, positivity and validation in me! They shook my lazy brain on many instances resulting in much more focus and continuity towards my goals. 

An example: I didn’t know how I will arrange a particular amount of capital for my additional work. Speaking to my mentor, he calmly guided me regularly, churned my brain through exercises/drawings/affirmations, literally chased me every now and then to achieve the gigantic task! And I am very happy to state that I did achieve and arrange my required capital few days back! And now my inner self is guiding me to go for the similar amount again to expand my business and double its volume!

Saurabh Sir, conversing with you over phone and whatsapp has been extremely motivational – you guided me to the simplest of ways to overcome the hurdles and through these you inadvertently advocated that life is not as difficult as we think and make it! A mentor cum friend :) . Geeti Mam, thank you for the exercises and motivation and also thanks for the Kitkat you sent through my wife!

Lastly, the course is ending on a very special date – 22.2.2017… 222 is an angelic number that signifies that everything in the universe is working towards your goals!!! Be positive, stay focused! 
You all have been amazingly motivational in this awesome group! Cheers! 💜💚💛❤💙" -Veeresh
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About Saurabh J. Madan

What is my life's purpose? Why am I here. This work is my answer to me. It is work that connects me to joy. It reminds me of the privilege of living with purpose. It energises me, challenges me, exhausts me, motivates me, demands my very life from me so it can give me back even more. This work is my dream. I am here to help other dreamers realize their dreams here on earth.
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